Head of Education and Learning

What do you love about working with bemix?

Working for bemix gives me the opportunity to make significant impacts on young peoples lives.  It is a very rewarding position and allows me to go home at the end of the day with a sense of achievement.  I love how bemix always puts the young people and adults they work with at the centre of everything.  Giving a voice to those that can often be overlooked is very rewarding.  Watching young people's journeys as they become adults, contribute to society and their local communities has a significant impact on all those around them and it is great to be a part of that journey.

How long have you been involved with bemix?

Since July 2024.

What is your role in bemix?

Head of Education and Learning

What did you do before you joined bemix?

Before joining bemix I worked within schools and colleges.  These were often in areas of high deprivation and my passion has always been to raise young people's aspirations and show them the opportunities that are awaiting them.  Creating a safe environment for young people to grow and thrive has always been at the forefront of what I believe in.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not working?

In my spare time I love to cook, read, travel and swim.  I often spend time with family cooking and socialising.  I am well travelled and would like to continue to explore the world by visiting new and exciting places.